If you don’t want off-the-shelf programs, you ve come to the right place! Feel free to contact me for an uncomplicated and free initial consultation. I look forward to hearing from you.

The mission of Griesbach Coaching & Consulting

With Griesbach Consulting & Coaching, I have specialized in developing individual solutions for different target groups. The relevant needs and framework conditions in the respective market segments are analyzed in advance and are analyzed in advance and integrated into the strategy development together with you. This makes every coaching and consulting service unique. Just like your personal and business needs.

Griesbach Coaching & Coaching aims to accompany and support people in change processes. Confidential and individual discussions, starting with the problem and the desire for change, are the basis for this. We work together to that you can use your full potential as quickly as possible, either privately or in your company.


In a world characterized by constant change, leadership is becoming increasingly important. Our philosophy is based on the understanding that managers must inspire people and take them with them in order to achieve great things together. We support managers:inside , strengthen their relationship skills and promote a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Process optimization:

Efficient and well-designed processes are the key to a company’s success. We help you to analyze your processes, identify bottlenecks and develop customized solutions that increase your productivity and make optimum use of your resources.

Personal development:

We believe in the power of personal development and support you in this process, recognize and developyour individual strengths. We help youthrough targeted coaching and sparring, strengthen your personal presence and improve your communication skills.

Practical experience

since 10/2019 Managing Partner at Griesbach Consulting Coaching GmbH
02/2019-03/2020: Head of Sales Digital Solutions Waste Technology (SSI Schäfer, Institut für Entsorgung und Umwelttechnik GmbH)
01/2015-01/2019: Head of Sales ppa. (Tönsmeier Entsorgung Niedersachsen GmbH Co. KG; Tönsmeier Hessen GmbH; Tönsmeier Entsorgungsdienste GmbH)
02/2014-12/2014: Key Account Manager Supraregional Sales / Central Sales Coordination (Tönsmeier Dienstleistung GmbH Co. KG, Porta Westfalica)
10/2012-01/2014: Project Management Sales (Tönsmeier Dienstleistung GmbH Co. KG, Porta Westfalica)
10/2010-09/2012: Sales Management/Marketing Management (15Talents SIBE GmbH)

Academic education

Degree in Business Psychology
[M.Sc. (Euro FH)]

Personal Coach/Psychological Consultant
[“Qualitätsring Coaching” (QRC )]

Study of Economics
[M.Sc. International Management
(School of International Business and Entrepreneurship)]

Study of Economics
[B.A. International Marketing
(Karlshochschule International University)]

Year of study Economics
[B.A. International Business (Pepperdine University, USA)]

Andreas Griesbach

The mission of Griesbach Coaching & Consulting

I work as a manager and executive, I study leadership scientifically and work as an executive coach.
My practical experience, coupled with the theoretical knowledge I have acquired, benefits my clients to the full extent.

I prefer to focus on people, organizations and digitalization .

Of course, these are quite large subject areas, but if you look closely, it quickly becomes clear that these things are very closely linked. As I have a very high affinity for processes, I am interested in making things efficient – but what use is the best process if people no longer know how to use it or, in the worst case, are not even aware of it? What’s more, time and again, companies have isolated their departments from one another to such an extent that processes may run in individual departments, but as soon as they affect several departments, breaks occur. This situation, combined with an increasing number of IT systems, creates an almost unmanageable level of complexity. And that is my passion: to create the so-called “big picture”, a process landscape that has a positive impact on a company’s business model. My goal is to get people to think and, above all, to rethink. To get people out of their comfort zone and to see, understand and participate in the big picture, a vision. This requires a special focus on communication, because otherwise the best ideas are lost before they have even found a breeding ground for innovation. I would be happy to support you in this.

Success is a consequence.

Personal development – either your own or that of your employees – should always be a priority, because this is the success factor of your company. This is especially true for managers, because they are the multipliers in the company. Let me help you turn these employees into positive role models for your company. I look forward to getting to know you.

Ultimately, all economic processes can be reduced to three words: People, products and profits. People come first. If you don’t have a good team, you can’t do much with the other two.

Lee Iacocca (1924-2019), 1979-92 Chairman of the Board. Chrysler Corp.